Get in touch
Streatham Wells Primary School
50 Palace Road
School Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.00pm
Key Contacts
Headteacher: Sarah Wordlaw
School Business Manager: Jonathan Rickards
Chair of Governors: Korina Holmes
SENCO: Erica Van Driel
Media Enquiries: Ben Peck
Where we are...
Who can help?
We would be pleased to answer any enquiries you may have either by telephone or email. Follow our guidance on who's best to handle your enquiry below.
Senior Leadership Team
Sarah Wordlaw - Headteacher
Emma Warsop - Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum and Assessment Lead)
Erica Van Driel - Assistant Headteacher and SENCO
Chair of governors
Bridget Byrne (Chair)
Korina Holmes (Vice Chair)
You can find details of who to contact about complaints on our complaints page here
Child unable to attend school due to illness / appointment
Please speak to the school office on 020 8674 3742 or
Family requesting term time absence
Term time holiday requests will not be authorised unless an exceptional circumstance. Please contact the office to get a request form.
Concerns/questions about well-being
Please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. You can also talk to our Learning Mentor Kim, or any of our safeguarding leads (Sarah, Emma, Erica or Kim).
Concerns over learning
Please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. You can catch them at the end of the school day, or if you are not able to do so, please email to request a meeting, and your child's class teacher will get back to you.
Sarah (Headteacher) is the safeguarding lead. You can find her on the school gate every morning and afternoon. If it is an emergency please call the school on 020 8674 3742 or email with your concern and a safeguarding lead will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our deputy safeguarding leads are Emma, Erica, Kim and Claudette (who works in after school club).
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Erica Van Driel is the school’s Special Educational NeedsCoordinator (SENCo). A SENCo is an experienced teacher with qualifications in identifying and meeting the needs of children with additional needs.
If you believe your child needs extra help you should first approach your child’s teacher who will liaise with Erica.
Our School Business Manager is Jonathan Rickards. You can contact him on
Request for copies
If a parent would like to request a paper copy of any of the information on this website, please contact our School Business Manager Jonathan Rickards. You can contact him on