The term after a child’s third birthday they are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery education for 38 weeks a year.
Households will be eligible for an additional 15 hours free entitlement where:
- Both parents are working, or one parent is working in lone-parent families
- Both parents are working but one or both parents is temporarily on maternity, paternity or adoption leave
- Both parents are working but one or both parents is temporarily on statutory sick pay
- One parentis employed and one parent is disabled, incapacitated or has substantial caring responsibilities
- Parents must earn a minimum weekly amount equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum wage or national living wage, and less than £100,000 per year.
Streatham Wells has the capacity to offer 26 full time (30 hour) places.
We also aim to offer part-time places (morning or afternoon sessions).
This will vary from year to year in response to demand and eligibility(as outlined above).
Parents can split their free entitlement between providers.
As Streatham Wells is a Primary School we follow these admission scriteria as set down by Lambeth Education Authority:
Full-Time Places (30 hours)
- Children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) work more than 16 hoursper week, and earn less than £100,000 (proof of eligibility is required – see applicationform)
Part-Time Places (15 hours)
- Children for whom Streatham Wells is the nearest community school or class, measured along the shortest walking distance. Priority within this group will normally be given to children who live closest to the school. In exceptional circumstances, preference may be given to children who live further away, but for whom this is the nearest community school or class. Addresses other than the child’s home address will not be accepted for admission purposes
- Children with a particular medical, social or educational reason for wanting a nursery place; this reason must be supported by the relevant professional, eg. Doctor
- Children for whom it is not the nearest community nursery school or class, measured along the shortest walking distance. Priority within this group will normally be given to children who live closest to the school.
- Children who live in the London Borough of Lambeth.
Having a sibling attending the primary school does not automatically give your child priority to the nursery class, although, because the nursery isnon-statutory, the Headteacher can use his/her discretion to consider part-time admission providing you can demonstrate that not receiving a place would cause very real difficulties. Because of the criteria for primary school admissions, those children for whom this nursery class is the nearest to their home will get priority over children who live closer to another nursery class/school in the area.
We only have one intake for the Nursery which is in September. If a place becomes available during the year the place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.