About our Parent Teachers Association
Streatham Wells has a very successful PTA that aims to benefit the whole school community by:
- Raising money for specific projects and resources for the school.
- Contributing to the school community by hosting social events, such as coffee morning for parents and discos for the children.
- Meeting other parents and teachers in an informal way, giving the school that community feel that everyone loves.
- Developing a knowledge base of parents/carers’ skills, languages, and interests; so that the PTA can contribute to the school in an organised way.
When you become a parent/Carer at Streatham Wells, you automatically become a member of the PTA and will be informed of events via newsletters, school website, class groups WhatsApp, emails, text messages and twitter (@SWellsschool).
We welcome any involvement, and an AGM takes place in November where the PTA can agree its aims and objectives, and elect a committee for that academic year.
Latest news and events from our PTA
Get involved
You can contribute by:
- Being a committee member – with a title (Chair, Treasurer etc) or as an ordinary member. This means attending meetings a few times a term. Meetings are at varied times and are sometimes in person or remotely via zoom. This is to help make it easy for a variety of parents to attend – there is also no need to be present at them all.
- Helping out at events.
- Letting the PTAknow what your talents are. The PTA would like to make a ‘knowledge base ofparents’ skills and interests. If you have a special skill we would love theyto hear from you: this might be your line of work, language, cookingspecialities, hobbies, or indeed your own history. please email uspta@streathamwells.org
You can also donate towards projects run by the PTA via our wellbeing fund which can be found here https://gofund.me/56d04890
Please do email us pta@streathamwells.org if you have any ideas or suggestions for the committee.
Committee Members for 2024-25 are:
Chair: TBC
Vice Chair: Sarah Hiller
Treasurer: Gemma Glenn
Secretary: Rob Hubbard
Staff Representatives: Rebecca Beesley
Other members:
Sonia Harman
Jane Cox
Crystal Lewis
Juliana Manning
Irina Scarlat
Rachel Swanston
Aneta Debosz
Sam Copus Croggon
If you are as chool parent and would like to find out more about the PTA, suggest ideas for fundraising or become one of our regular helpers, we would be delighted if you would contact the school or speak to one of the committee members.
ContactInformation: pta@streathamwells.org
What contributions have been made so far?
Listed below is a breakdown of contributions that the PTA have made to our school:
£600 Theatre Group
£300 Story teller
£1500 Shakespeare in School
£350 Maypole Dance
£1000 School Journey
£300 Animal farm
£299 Cooking workshop
£200 Seeds and Plants
£1000 Contribution to wetplay games, educational toys, playground equipment
£1000 Contribution to choir
£900 Unicorn Theatre trips
Match Funding
If you volunteered for the fair, we can increase the amount we have raised by even more through match funding! How can we increase this amount? Well if you work fora company that offers a fund matching scheme (it’s worth checking with your Human Resources team if your company does), we’d love to hear from you! If four people came forward we could possibly raise£2000! Do get in touch with PTA.
Support PTA bystarting your Amazon shopping at Amazon Smile. Amazondonates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchases. Please see thelink on this page!
Easy Fundraising
An easy way to donate money to PTA is to make your usual purchases through shopping online at easyfundraising. To download the eas y undraising app go to Google Play or the Apple App Store. Happy shopping!