Where primary school memories are made...
In Upper KS2 – Years 5 and Years 6 – we provide residential trips.

More than just a fun ‘school trip away’, residential trips for schools are a key part of the national curriculum. The diverse and high quality school trips on offer mean teachers can create experiences that enhance pupils’ classroom learning, adding opportunities pupils may not otherwise have, particularly in the case of urban schools like ours where children may have limited access to natural outdoor environments in their day to day learning.
In Year 5, children go to the South London Scouts camping centre. Here they do orienteering, develop their personal organisation, explore the natural environment, cook their own dinner and learn key life skills.
In Year 6, children go to Outward Bound. At Outward Bound, children take on adventures, overcome challenges and develop confidence and self-belief. These experiences are life changing. Children travel to SouthWales, and experience many challenging adventure activities such as gorge walking, climbing and climbing a mountain. We believe this trip is integral to effective transition to secondary school and support children to develop independence and self-esteem.