Welcome to
David Bowie Class
In Year 5, we are David Bowie Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. David Bowie was a wonderful musician and performer and we were dazzled by his unwaivering creativity.
Meet the team
Whole school newsletters
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Streatham Wells
This term we are learning:
Personal, social & emotional development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Understanding the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Expressive art & design
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Physical development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Maths, we will be finishing off our fractions and then diving more deeply into multiplication and division. TIMES TABLES ARE CRUCIAL! The children will progress to multiplying 4 digit by 2 digit numbers and dividing 4 digit by 1 digit numbers. I will share the methods the children are taught in class so you can also consolidate these at home but if you can take the time to practise these skills at home to develop fluency, that would be really helpful.
In Maths we will continue to do weekly arithmetic tests. Children have really improved their scores which is great to see. Generally, we could all do with some revision on adding and subtracting mixed number fractions as well as percentages so, if you’re looking for a focus at home, it can be these topics. In class we’re going to focus on decimals: dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and adding and subtracting decimals which have a different number of digits.
In Science, we will be investigating the life cycle of plants and animals. The children will carry out simple class based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
In Science, we will be looking at states of matter, focusing on reversible and irreversible changes. We have a term packed full of fun practical experiments to engage the children’s senses and bring science to life in the classroom.
In Science, our topic is Earth and Space and children will work towards being able to answer the big question, ‘Is there a pattern between the size of a planet and the time it takes to travel around the sun?’ They will carry out simple class-based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
Geography / History
In History, we’ll be kicking things off with an in depth look at the Anglo-Saxon struggle for power in England. We’ll travel back in time to learn about why they invaded and what life was like during this fascinating but relatively mysterious time. Children will discover who these people were and how they helped shape the Britain we know today.
We have lots of fantastic maps to look at in Geography, as we discuss whether maps of the same area can be useful. The children will develop their understanding of the physical and human geography of New York - its population, politics and habits.
Our geography focus will be the Silk Road. This really is a magical topic where we’ll learn about the most important trade routes around the time of the Abassid dynasty, which goods were traded and how and the most dangerous trade routes. We’ll focus on critical thinking throughout these lessons so we can eventually answer the question: ‘How advantageous was the Silk Road?’
In Design and Technology, we will start the year by looking at the foods the Anglo-Saxons made and cooking some of these ourselves, concentrating on issues of seasonality and a balanced diet.
In Art, we will be focusing on the contemporary period, researching and exploring three main artists and their self-expression: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama. We will be studying their methods and techniques to answer important questions about how emotion can be communicated through art, before having a go at creating our own version, inspired by these artists.
In Art, we will be developing our print making.
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In PE, we will be learning Swimming (at West Norwood pool), football and tag rugby.
In PE, we will be learning gymnastics, fitness, dance and dddgeball.
In PE, we will be learning athletics, tennis, cricket and outdoor adventurous actvities.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE, we will be studying:
What can we do to improve mental health?
Does society treat everyone with equal respect?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
Is social media always positive?
What makes a healthy family unit?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
How does self-esteem affect your future?
What changes can we expect during puberty?
In Computing we will be focused on programming using Scratch. The children will learn how to create their own computer game, based on the Beowulf/Grendel battle.
Computing studies will move on to the important topic of data-handling.
Our Computing topic this half term will be online safety. The children will be taught how to recognise when health and wellbeing are being affected in either a positive or negative way through online use, understand that passwords need to be strong and that apps require some form of passwords and recognise a couple of the different types of online communication and know who to go to if they need help with any communication matters online.
In Religious Studies, we will spend this half term focussing on Hinduism, specifically trying to answer the question ‘What is the best way to show commitment to God?’. We will learn about showing commitment to God through Puja, pilgrimage and Dharma. Finally, the children will be able to critically evaluate how Hindus show commitment to God.
We are studying Sikhism in R.E., specifically focussed on Sikh stories and what they can tell us about the priorities and customs of the religion. The pupils will be discussing the relevance of these stories and considering whether these tales are a good way to deliver a message.
Our RE topic will be Christianity and our big question, ‘What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to god?’ We have lots of discussions during these sessions and focus on how we can discuss our differing beliefs respectfully.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Maths this half term, we will build on our knowledge of place value by looking at numbers up to one million. We will practise rounding and look at powers of ten. Children will continue to solve tricky problems to develop their reasoning and depth in learning. I encourage everyone to get back into their times tables as this is the cornerstone upon which all our maths this year is founded! Times table rockstars is a great website to use but there are lots of fun ways to practise. A few minutes a night makes all the difference.
In Maths, we will be finishing off our fractions and then diving more deeply into multiplication and division. TIMES TABLES ARE CRUCIAL! The children will progress to multiplying 4 digit by 2 digit numbers and dividing 4 digit by 1 digit numbers. I will share the methods the children are taught in class so you can also consolidate these at home but if you can take the time to practise these skills at home to develop fluency, that would be really helpful.
In Maths we will continue to do weekly arithmetic tests. Children have really improved their scores which is great to see. Generally, we could all do with some revision on adding and subtracting mixed number fractions as well as percentages so, if you’re looking for a focus at home, it can be these topics. In class we’re going to focus on decimals: dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and adding and subtracting decimals which have a different number of digits.
In Science, we will be investigating the life cycle of plants and animals. The children will carry out simple class based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
In Science, we will be looking at states of matter, focusing on reversible and irreversible changes. We have a term packed full of fun practical experiments to engage the children’s senses and bring science to life in the classroom.
In Science, our topic is Earth and Space and children will work towards being able to answer the big question, ‘Is there a pattern between the size of a planet and the time it takes to travel around the sun?’ They will carry out simple class-based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
Geography / History
In History, we’ll be kicking things off with an in depth look at the Anglo-Saxon struggle for power in England. We’ll travel back in time to learn about why they invaded and what life was like during this fascinating but relatively mysterious time. Children will discover who these people were and how they helped shape the Britain we know today.
We have lots of fantastic maps to look at in Geography, as we discuss whether maps of the same area can be useful. The children will develop their understanding of the physical and human geography of New York - its population, politics and habits.
Our geography focus will be the Silk Road. This really is a magical topic where we’ll learn about the most important trade routes around the time of the Abassid dynasty, which goods were traded and how and the most dangerous trade routes. We’ll focus on critical thinking throughout these lessons so we can eventually answer the question: ‘How advantageous was the Silk Road?’
In Design and Technology, we will start the year by looking at the foods the Anglo-Saxons made and cooking some of these ourselves, concentrating on issues of seasonality and a balanced diet.
In Art, we will be focusing on the contemporary period, researching and exploring three main artists and their self-expression: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama. We will be studying their methods and techniques to answer important questions about how emotion can be communicated through art, before having a go at creating our own version, inspired by these artists.
In Art, we will be developing our print making.
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In PE, we will be learning Swimming (at West Norwood pool), football and tag rugby.
In PE, we will be learning gymnastics, fitness, dance and dddgeball.
In PE, we will be learning athletics, tennis, cricket and outdoor adventurous actvities.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE, we will be studying:
What can we do to improve mental health?
Does society treat everyone with equal respect?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
Is social media always positive?
What makes a healthy family unit?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
How does self-esteem affect your future?
What changes can we expect during puberty?
In Computing we will be focused on programming using Scratch. The children will learn how to create their own computer game, based on the Beowulf/Grendel battle.
Computing studies will move on to the important topic of data-handling.
Our Computing topic this half term will be online safety. The children will be taught how to recognise when health and wellbeing are being affected in either a positive or negative way through online use, understand that passwords need to be strong and that apps require some form of passwords and recognise a couple of the different types of online communication and know who to go to if they need help with any communication matters online.
In Religious Studies, we will spend this half term focussing on Hinduism, specifically trying to answer the question ‘What is the best way to show commitment to God?’. We will learn about showing commitment to God through Puja, pilgrimage and Dharma. Finally, the children will be able to critically evaluate how Hindus show commitment to God.
We are studying Sikhism in R.E., specifically focussed on Sikh stories and what they can tell us about the priorities and customs of the religion. The pupils will be discussing the relevance of these stories and considering whether these tales are a good way to deliver a message.
Our RE topic will be Christianity and our big question, ‘What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to god?’ We have lots of discussions during these sessions and focus on how we can discuss our differing beliefs respectfully.

Welcome to
David Bowie Class
In Year 5, we are David Bowie Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. David Bowie was a wonderful musician and performer and we were dazzled by his unwaivering creativity.
Meet the team
Whole school newsletters
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Streatham Wells
This term we are learning:
Personal, social & emotional development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Understanding the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Expressive art & design
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Physical development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Maths, we will be finishing off our fractions and then diving more deeply into multiplication and division. TIMES TABLES ARE CRUCIAL! The children will progress to multiplying 4 digit by 2 digit numbers and dividing 4 digit by 1 digit numbers. I will share the methods the children are taught in class so you can also consolidate these at home but if you can take the time to practise these skills at home to develop fluency, that would be really helpful.
In Maths we will continue to do weekly arithmetic tests. Children have really improved their scores which is great to see. Generally, we could all do with some revision on adding and subtracting mixed number fractions as well as percentages so, if you’re looking for a focus at home, it can be these topics. In class we’re going to focus on decimals: dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and adding and subtracting decimals which have a different number of digits.
In Science, we will be investigating the life cycle of plants and animals. The children will carry out simple class based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
In Science, we will be looking at states of matter, focusing on reversible and irreversible changes. We have a term packed full of fun practical experiments to engage the children’s senses and bring science to life in the classroom.
In Science, our topic is Earth and Space and children will work towards being able to answer the big question, ‘Is there a pattern between the size of a planet and the time it takes to travel around the sun?’ They will carry out simple class-based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
Geography / History
In History, we’ll be kicking things off with an in depth look at the Anglo-Saxon struggle for power in England. We’ll travel back in time to learn about why they invaded and what life was like during this fascinating but relatively mysterious time. Children will discover who these people were and how they helped shape the Britain we know today.
We have lots of fantastic maps to look at in Geography, as we discuss whether maps of the same area can be useful. The children will develop their understanding of the physical and human geography of New York - its population, politics and habits.
Our geography focus will be the Silk Road. This really is a magical topic where we’ll learn about the most important trade routes around the time of the Abassid dynasty, which goods were traded and how and the most dangerous trade routes. We’ll focus on critical thinking throughout these lessons so we can eventually answer the question: ‘How advantageous was the Silk Road?’
In Design and Technology, we will start the year by looking at the foods the Anglo-Saxons made and cooking some of these ourselves, concentrating on issues of seasonality and a balanced diet.
In Art, we will be focusing on the contemporary period, researching and exploring three main artists and their self-expression: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama. We will be studying their methods and techniques to answer important questions about how emotion can be communicated through art, before having a go at creating our own version, inspired by these artists.
In Art, we will be developing our print making.
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In PE, we will be learning Swimming (at West Norwood pool), football and tag rugby.
In PE, we will be learning gymnastics, fitness, dance and dddgeball.
In PE, we will be learning athletics, tennis, cricket and outdoor adventurous actvities.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE, we will be studying:
What can we do to improve mental health?
Does society treat everyone with equal respect?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
Is social media always positive?
What makes a healthy family unit?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
How does self-esteem affect your future?
What changes can we expect during puberty?
In Computing we will be focused on programming using Scratch. The children will learn how to create their own computer game, based on the Beowulf/Grendel battle.
Computing studies will move on to the important topic of data-handling.
Our Computing topic this half term will be online safety. The children will be taught how to recognise when health and wellbeing are being affected in either a positive or negative way through online use, understand that passwords need to be strong and that apps require some form of passwords and recognise a couple of the different types of online communication and know who to go to if they need help with any communication matters online.
In Religious Studies, we will spend this half term focussing on Hinduism, specifically trying to answer the question ‘What is the best way to show commitment to God?’. We will learn about showing commitment to God through Puja, pilgrimage and Dharma. Finally, the children will be able to critically evaluate how Hindus show commitment to God.
We are studying Sikhism in R.E., specifically focussed on Sikh stories and what they can tell us about the priorities and customs of the religion. The pupils will be discussing the relevance of these stories and considering whether these tales are a good way to deliver a message.
Our RE topic will be Christianity and our big question, ‘What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to god?’ We have lots of discussions during these sessions and focus on how we can discuss our differing beliefs respectfully.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Literacy, we will be reading the book Beowulf; this is Michael Morpurgo’s poetic retelling of the tale of an epic hero and the infamous monster Grendel. It will provide rich opportunities for the pupils to reach into the depths of their imagination to produce creative pieces. From newspaper reports to emotive diary entries, children will be developing their grammar, punctuation and spelling through stimulating, rich outcomes.
In Maths this half term, we will build on our knowledge of place value by looking at numbers up to one million. We will practise rounding and look at powers of ten. Children will continue to solve tricky problems to develop their reasoning and depth in learning. I encourage everyone to get back into their times tables as this is the cornerstone upon which all our maths this year is founded! Times table rockstars is a great website to use but there are lots of fun ways to practise. A few minutes a night makes all the difference.
In Maths, we will be finishing off our fractions and then diving more deeply into multiplication and division. TIMES TABLES ARE CRUCIAL! The children will progress to multiplying 4 digit by 2 digit numbers and dividing 4 digit by 1 digit numbers. I will share the methods the children are taught in class so you can also consolidate these at home but if you can take the time to practise these skills at home to develop fluency, that would be really helpful.
In Maths we will continue to do weekly arithmetic tests. Children have really improved their scores which is great to see. Generally, we could all do with some revision on adding and subtracting mixed number fractions as well as percentages so, if you’re looking for a focus at home, it can be these topics. In class we’re going to focus on decimals: dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and adding and subtracting decimals which have a different number of digits.
In Science, we will be investigating the life cycle of plants and animals. The children will carry out simple class based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
In Science, we will be looking at states of matter, focusing on reversible and irreversible changes. We have a term packed full of fun practical experiments to engage the children’s senses and bring science to life in the classroom.
In Science, our topic is Earth and Space and children will work towards being able to answer the big question, ‘Is there a pattern between the size of a planet and the time it takes to travel around the sun?’ They will carry out simple class-based investigations and devise their own methods for recording, questioning and evaluating.
Geography / History
In History, we’ll be kicking things off with an in depth look at the Anglo-Saxon struggle for power in England. We’ll travel back in time to learn about why they invaded and what life was like during this fascinating but relatively mysterious time. Children will discover who these people were and how they helped shape the Britain we know today.
We have lots of fantastic maps to look at in Geography, as we discuss whether maps of the same area can be useful. The children will develop their understanding of the physical and human geography of New York - its population, politics and habits.
Our geography focus will be the Silk Road. This really is a magical topic where we’ll learn about the most important trade routes around the time of the Abassid dynasty, which goods were traded and how and the most dangerous trade routes. We’ll focus on critical thinking throughout these lessons so we can eventually answer the question: ‘How advantageous was the Silk Road?’
In Design and Technology, we will start the year by looking at the foods the Anglo-Saxons made and cooking some of these ourselves, concentrating on issues of seasonality and a balanced diet.
In Art, we will be focusing on the contemporary period, researching and exploring three main artists and their self-expression: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama. We will be studying their methods and techniques to answer important questions about how emotion can be communicated through art, before having a go at creating our own version, inspired by these artists.
In Art, we will be developing our print making.
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In Music, we will be learning how to play steel drums with the amazing company Kinetika Blocco. The children are split into two groups and learn how to play a collective piece. They started this just before half term and it sounds absolutely amazing!
In PE, we will be learning Swimming (at West Norwood pool), football and tag rugby.
In PE, we will be learning gymnastics, fitness, dance and dddgeball.
In PE, we will be learning athletics, tennis, cricket and outdoor adventurous actvities.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE, we will be studying:
What can we do to improve mental health?
Does society treat everyone with equal respect?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
Is social media always positive?
What makes a healthy family unit?
In PSHE, we will be studying:
How does self-esteem affect your future?
What changes can we expect during puberty?
In Computing we will be focused on programming using Scratch. The children will learn how to create their own computer game, based on the Beowulf/Grendel battle.
Computing studies will move on to the important topic of data-handling.
Our Computing topic this half term will be online safety. The children will be taught how to recognise when health and wellbeing are being affected in either a positive or negative way through online use, understand that passwords need to be strong and that apps require some form of passwords and recognise a couple of the different types of online communication and know who to go to if they need help with any communication matters online.
In Religious Studies, we will spend this half term focussing on Hinduism, specifically trying to answer the question ‘What is the best way to show commitment to God?’. We will learn about showing commitment to God through Puja, pilgrimage and Dharma. Finally, the children will be able to critically evaluate how Hindus show commitment to God.
We are studying Sikhism in R.E., specifically focussed on Sikh stories and what they can tell us about the priorities and customs of the religion. The pupils will be discussing the relevance of these stories and considering whether these tales are a good way to deliver a message.
Our RE topic will be Christianity and our big question, ‘What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to god?’ We have lots of discussions during these sessions and focus on how we can discuss our differing beliefs respectfully.

Welcome to
David Bowie Class
In Year 5, we are David Bowie Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. David Bowie was a wonderful musician and performer and we were dazzled by his unwaivering creativity.
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