Welcome to
Stephen Wiltshire Class
In Year 4, we are Stephen Wiltshire Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic architectural artist and role model.
Meet the team
Whole school newsletters
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Streatham Wells
This term we are learning:
Personal, social & emotional development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Understanding the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Expressive art & design
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Physical development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
Maths – This term we will continue to develop our problem solving skills and reasoning when working with multiplication and division problems. We will continue to learn the 7,9 & 11 times tables ahead of the Multiplication Check in June. We advise that you continue log on to ttrs at least 3 times a week or play alternative games. We will also recap measuring length and perimeter of 2D shapes moving onto spotting rectilinear shapes.
In Maths we will be finishing our unit on fractions and moving onto decimals. We’ll be studying tenths and hundredths, first as fractions and then as decimals. We’ll use hundred squares and number lines to develop a concrete understanding of them. Dividing by 10 and 100 will be a large focus and understanding how to apply this to both 1 and 2-digit numbers.
Our topic for Science this term is animals, including humans. The class will be answering the question Producer, predator or prey; is an animal only one? Through the unit children will construct and interpret food chains as well as identifying the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. In addition, they will study the different types of teeth in humans and their functions.
Science – This term we will be learning about Electricity and exploring how circuits are affected by different conductors, helping us to answer the Big Question “ Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?”
Our topic for Science this term is States of Matter. Our big questions is ‘How does the surface area of a container of water affect how long it takes to evaporate?’ To answer this question, children will compare and group materials, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They will observe how some materials change state when heated or cooled and measure and record these temperatures.
Geography / History
In History we will be learning about the Iron Age and working through the term to answer this term’s big question: The discovery of iron changed everything. Do you agree? We will begin by revisiting our previous learning and constructing a timeline to develop our chronological awareness. Children will study the process of smelting and compare the different advancements iron brought. Hillforts will be examined and the reasons why they were necessary. Finally, children will look at the impact of the invention of iron today.
History – This term we will be learning about Ancient Greece, exploring their daily life and advancements; working towards answering the Big Question “which elements of ancient Greek life and their achievements would you incorporate into your own utopian society?”
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Are some places in the world more dangerous to live in than others?’ After determining the difference between mountains and volcanoes, we’ll investigate fault lines and learn how to read elevations on a map. We will learn about tectonic plates and the role they play in volcanoes and earthquakes. Children will develop their map reading skills including reading symbols and keys.
In Art the children will be focusing on sculpture and studying both the mediaeval craft of metalwork and the contemporary work of the American sculptor Alexander Calder. Children will use flexible wire to create portraits of the Iron Man inspired by the portraits Calder made.
Art- This term will explore different mediums, with a focus on the Printmaking Period. We will learn about how modern artists such as Cezanne, Kandinsky & Miro have been inspired.
In art we will look at watercolours.
In Music, we will be introduced to the various instruments that make up our Wind Ensemble and various techniques such as Sol fa that will enable us to learn together.
Jumping Jack and Homecoming - We will dig deeper into choral work, body percussion, the music of Africa and Jamaica and expand our note knowledge to include Fa and Soh (Concert Eb and F)
In Music, we will be shaping repertoire for use in our music festival and exploring how we become performing musicians.
In PE this term we will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In the Spring term we will be going swimming at West Norwood Leisure centre, on Monday afternoons.
In PE this term we will be learning basketball, tennis, athletics and rounders.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can our mental health be affected?
Do all groups in society feel respected?
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can I keep my money safe?
Who can I trust?
In PSHE we will be studying:
What happens if I fail?
What changes will we see as we grow up?
In Computing we will be learning how to be software developers. We will be using the program Scratch to help us create a game which uses a range of selection functions. It will build on their learning from year 3 and challenge them to make a more complicated game. They will need to draw upon their debugging skills to ensure their games run smoothly!
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In RE we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question Is it possible for everyone to be happy? By learning about the Buddha’s life story, the significant experiences of Siddhattha and the 8-fold path, children will develop an understanding of a Buddhist’s key beliefs and the impact they have on an individual.
RE- We will continue to explore in detail the life and teachings of Buddha and debate whether or not his teachings make the world a better place?
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question ‘What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?’ The focus of the unit will be around the 8-fold path and how Buddhists use this to make choices and the impact it has on their life.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Maths we will be focusing on place value. After a review of last year’s learning, we will move on to numbers up to 10,000. By building on previous knowledge, children should quickly progress to comparing, sequencing and rounding numbers. Times tables will be an ongoing focus as well. By the end of year 4, children are expected to know all their times tables, up to 12 x 12, fluently. For this reason we will practise them regularly and I appreciate efforts to do this at home as well. I will be distributing logins to Times Table Rockstars to support this.
Maths – This term we will continue to develop our problem solving skills and reasoning when working with multiplication and division problems. We will continue to learn the 7,9 & 11 times tables ahead of the Multiplication Check in June. We advise that you continue log on to ttrs at least 3 times a week or play alternative games. We will also recap measuring length and perimeter of 2D shapes moving onto spotting rectilinear shapes.
In Maths we will be finishing our unit on fractions and moving onto decimals. We’ll be studying tenths and hundredths, first as fractions and then as decimals. We’ll use hundred squares and number lines to develop a concrete understanding of them. Dividing by 10 and 100 will be a large focus and understanding how to apply this to both 1 and 2-digit numbers.
Our topic for Science this term is animals, including humans. The class will be answering the question Producer, predator or prey; is an animal only one? Through the unit children will construct and interpret food chains as well as identifying the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. In addition, they will study the different types of teeth in humans and their functions.
Science – This term we will be learning about Electricity and exploring how circuits are affected by different conductors, helping us to answer the Big Question “ Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?”
Our topic for Science this term is States of Matter. Our big questions is ‘How does the surface area of a container of water affect how long it takes to evaporate?’ To answer this question, children will compare and group materials, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They will observe how some materials change state when heated or cooled and measure and record these temperatures.
Geography / History
In History we will be learning about the Iron Age and working through the term to answer this term’s big question: The discovery of iron changed everything. Do you agree? We will begin by revisiting our previous learning and constructing a timeline to develop our chronological awareness. Children will study the process of smelting and compare the different advancements iron brought. Hillforts will be examined and the reasons why they were necessary. Finally, children will look at the impact of the invention of iron today.
History – This term we will be learning about Ancient Greece, exploring their daily life and advancements; working towards answering the Big Question “which elements of ancient Greek life and their achievements would you incorporate into your own utopian society?”
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Are some places in the world more dangerous to live in than others?’ After determining the difference between mountains and volcanoes, we’ll investigate fault lines and learn how to read elevations on a map. We will learn about tectonic plates and the role they play in volcanoes and earthquakes. Children will develop their map reading skills including reading symbols and keys.
In Art the children will be focusing on sculpture and studying both the mediaeval craft of metalwork and the contemporary work of the American sculptor Alexander Calder. Children will use flexible wire to create portraits of the Iron Man inspired by the portraits Calder made.
Art- This term will explore different mediums, with a focus on the Printmaking Period. We will learn about how modern artists such as Cezanne, Kandinsky & Miro have been inspired.
In art we will look at watercolours.
In Music, we will be introduced to the various instruments that make up our Wind Ensemble and various techniques such as Sol fa that will enable us to learn together.
Jumping Jack and Homecoming - We will dig deeper into choral work, body percussion, the music of Africa and Jamaica and expand our note knowledge to include Fa and Soh (Concert Eb and F)
In Music, we will be shaping repertoire for use in our music festival and exploring how we become performing musicians.
In PE this term we will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In the Spring term we will be going swimming at West Norwood Leisure centre, on Monday afternoons.
In PE this term we will be learning basketball, tennis, athletics and rounders.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can our mental health be affected?
Do all groups in society feel respected?
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can I keep my money safe?
Who can I trust?
In PSHE we will be studying:
What happens if I fail?
What changes will we see as we grow up?
In Computing we will be learning how to be software developers. We will be using the program Scratch to help us create a game which uses a range of selection functions. It will build on their learning from year 3 and challenge them to make a more complicated game. They will need to draw upon their debugging skills to ensure their games run smoothly!
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In RE we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question Is it possible for everyone to be happy? By learning about the Buddha’s life story, the significant experiences of Siddhattha and the 8-fold path, children will develop an understanding of a Buddhist’s key beliefs and the impact they have on an individual.
RE- We will continue to explore in detail the life and teachings of Buddha and debate whether or not his teachings make the world a better place?
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question ‘What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?’ The focus of the unit will be around the 8-fold path and how Buddhists use this to make choices and the impact it has on their life.

Welcome to
Stephen Wiltshire Class
In Year 4, we are Stephen Wiltshire Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic architectural artist and role model.
Meet the team
Whole school newsletters
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Streatham Wells
This term we are learning:
Personal, social & emotional development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Understanding the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Expressive art & design
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Physical development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
Maths – This term we will continue to develop our problem solving skills and reasoning when working with multiplication and division problems. We will continue to learn the 7,9 & 11 times tables ahead of the Multiplication Check in June. We advise that you continue log on to ttrs at least 3 times a week or play alternative games. We will also recap measuring length and perimeter of 2D shapes moving onto spotting rectilinear shapes.
In Maths we will be finishing our unit on fractions and moving onto decimals. We’ll be studying tenths and hundredths, first as fractions and then as decimals. We’ll use hundred squares and number lines to develop a concrete understanding of them. Dividing by 10 and 100 will be a large focus and understanding how to apply this to both 1 and 2-digit numbers.
Our topic for Science this term is animals, including humans. The class will be answering the question Producer, predator or prey; is an animal only one? Through the unit children will construct and interpret food chains as well as identifying the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. In addition, they will study the different types of teeth in humans and their functions.
Science – This term we will be learning about Electricity and exploring how circuits are affected by different conductors, helping us to answer the Big Question “ Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?”
Our topic for Science this term is States of Matter. Our big questions is ‘How does the surface area of a container of water affect how long it takes to evaporate?’ To answer this question, children will compare and group materials, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They will observe how some materials change state when heated or cooled and measure and record these temperatures.
Geography / History
In History we will be learning about the Iron Age and working through the term to answer this term’s big question: The discovery of iron changed everything. Do you agree? We will begin by revisiting our previous learning and constructing a timeline to develop our chronological awareness. Children will study the process of smelting and compare the different advancements iron brought. Hillforts will be examined and the reasons why they were necessary. Finally, children will look at the impact of the invention of iron today.
History – This term we will be learning about Ancient Greece, exploring their daily life and advancements; working towards answering the Big Question “which elements of ancient Greek life and their achievements would you incorporate into your own utopian society?”
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Are some places in the world more dangerous to live in than others?’ After determining the difference between mountains and volcanoes, we’ll investigate fault lines and learn how to read elevations on a map. We will learn about tectonic plates and the role they play in volcanoes and earthquakes. Children will develop their map reading skills including reading symbols and keys.
In Art the children will be focusing on sculpture and studying both the mediaeval craft of metalwork and the contemporary work of the American sculptor Alexander Calder. Children will use flexible wire to create portraits of the Iron Man inspired by the portraits Calder made.
Art- This term will explore different mediums, with a focus on the Printmaking Period. We will learn about how modern artists such as Cezanne, Kandinsky & Miro have been inspired.
In art we will look at watercolours.
In Music, we will be introduced to the various instruments that make up our Wind Ensemble and various techniques such as Sol fa that will enable us to learn together.
Jumping Jack and Homecoming - We will dig deeper into choral work, body percussion, the music of Africa and Jamaica and expand our note knowledge to include Fa and Soh (Concert Eb and F)
In Music, we will be shaping repertoire for use in our music festival and exploring how we become performing musicians.
In PE this term we will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In the Spring term we will be going swimming at West Norwood Leisure centre, on Monday afternoons.
In PE this term we will be learning basketball, tennis, athletics and rounders.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can our mental health be affected?
Do all groups in society feel respected?
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can I keep my money safe?
Who can I trust?
In PSHE we will be studying:
What happens if I fail?
What changes will we see as we grow up?
In Computing we will be learning how to be software developers. We will be using the program Scratch to help us create a game which uses a range of selection functions. It will build on their learning from year 3 and challenge them to make a more complicated game. They will need to draw upon their debugging skills to ensure their games run smoothly!
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In RE we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question Is it possible for everyone to be happy? By learning about the Buddha’s life story, the significant experiences of Siddhattha and the 8-fold path, children will develop an understanding of a Buddhist’s key beliefs and the impact they have on an individual.
RE- We will continue to explore in detail the life and teachings of Buddha and debate whether or not his teachings make the world a better place?
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question ‘What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?’ The focus of the unit will be around the 8-fold path and how Buddhists use this to make choices and the impact it has on their life.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Literacy we will be studying the texts ‘Robot Girl’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. ‘Robot Girl’, a text which is not quite as it seems, will provide children with opportunities to develop their formal language. We will be writing newspapers articles detailing the key events of the story. Wild Robot` is a though provoking text that explores isolation and survival.
In Reading, we will continue to build our stamina to read longer, more complex pieces of writing. We will be making more sophisticated inferences and use evidence from the text to back up our claims.
In Maths we will be focusing on place value. After a review of last year’s learning, we will move on to numbers up to 10,000. By building on previous knowledge, children should quickly progress to comparing, sequencing and rounding numbers. Times tables will be an ongoing focus as well. By the end of year 4, children are expected to know all their times tables, up to 12 x 12, fluently. For this reason we will practise them regularly and I appreciate efforts to do this at home as well. I will be distributing logins to Times Table Rockstars to support this.
Maths – This term we will continue to develop our problem solving skills and reasoning when working with multiplication and division problems. We will continue to learn the 7,9 & 11 times tables ahead of the Multiplication Check in June. We advise that you continue log on to ttrs at least 3 times a week or play alternative games. We will also recap measuring length and perimeter of 2D shapes moving onto spotting rectilinear shapes.
In Maths we will be finishing our unit on fractions and moving onto decimals. We’ll be studying tenths and hundredths, first as fractions and then as decimals. We’ll use hundred squares and number lines to develop a concrete understanding of them. Dividing by 10 and 100 will be a large focus and understanding how to apply this to both 1 and 2-digit numbers.
Our topic for Science this term is animals, including humans. The class will be answering the question Producer, predator or prey; is an animal only one? Through the unit children will construct and interpret food chains as well as identifying the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. In addition, they will study the different types of teeth in humans and their functions.
Science – This term we will be learning about Electricity and exploring how circuits are affected by different conductors, helping us to answer the Big Question “ Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?”
Our topic for Science this term is States of Matter. Our big questions is ‘How does the surface area of a container of water affect how long it takes to evaporate?’ To answer this question, children will compare and group materials, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They will observe how some materials change state when heated or cooled and measure and record these temperatures.
Geography / History
In History we will be learning about the Iron Age and working through the term to answer this term’s big question: The discovery of iron changed everything. Do you agree? We will begin by revisiting our previous learning and constructing a timeline to develop our chronological awareness. Children will study the process of smelting and compare the different advancements iron brought. Hillforts will be examined and the reasons why they were necessary. Finally, children will look at the impact of the invention of iron today.
History – This term we will be learning about Ancient Greece, exploring their daily life and advancements; working towards answering the Big Question “which elements of ancient Greek life and their achievements would you incorporate into your own utopian society?”
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Are some places in the world more dangerous to live in than others?’ After determining the difference between mountains and volcanoes, we’ll investigate fault lines and learn how to read elevations on a map. We will learn about tectonic plates and the role they play in volcanoes and earthquakes. Children will develop their map reading skills including reading symbols and keys.
In Art the children will be focusing on sculpture and studying both the mediaeval craft of metalwork and the contemporary work of the American sculptor Alexander Calder. Children will use flexible wire to create portraits of the Iron Man inspired by the portraits Calder made.
Art- This term will explore different mediums, with a focus on the Printmaking Period. We will learn about how modern artists such as Cezanne, Kandinsky & Miro have been inspired.
In art we will look at watercolours.
In Music, we will be introduced to the various instruments that make up our Wind Ensemble and various techniques such as Sol fa that will enable us to learn together.
Jumping Jack and Homecoming - We will dig deeper into choral work, body percussion, the music of Africa and Jamaica and expand our note knowledge to include Fa and Soh (Concert Eb and F)
In Music, we will be shaping repertoire for use in our music festival and exploring how we become performing musicians.
In PE this term we will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In the Spring term we will be going swimming at West Norwood Leisure centre, on Monday afternoons.
In PE this term we will be learning basketball, tennis, athletics and rounders.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can our mental health be affected?
Do all groups in society feel respected?
In PSHE we will be studying:
How can I keep my money safe?
Who can I trust?
In PSHE we will be studying:
What happens if I fail?
What changes will we see as we grow up?
In Computing we will be learning how to be software developers. We will be using the program Scratch to help us create a game which uses a range of selection functions. It will build on their learning from year 3 and challenge them to make a more complicated game. They will need to draw upon their debugging skills to ensure their games run smoothly!
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Musicians. We’ll use different software to experiment with combining soundtracks and layering them for effect. Children will use Audacity, a program for editing music, to record audio. They will also learn how to edit clips, split them and add different effects.
In RE we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question Is it possible for everyone to be happy? By learning about the Buddha’s life story, the significant experiences of Siddhattha and the 8-fold path, children will develop an understanding of a Buddhist’s key beliefs and the impact they have on an individual.
RE- We will continue to explore in detail the life and teachings of Buddha and debate whether or not his teachings make the world a better place?
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Buddhism and answering the big question ‘What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?’ The focus of the unit will be around the 8-fold path and how Buddhists use this to make choices and the impact it has on their life.

Welcome to
Stephen Wiltshire Class
In Year 4, we are Stephen Wiltshire Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic architectural artist and role model.
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