Welcome to
Ian Wright Class
In Year 3, we are Ian Wright Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. Ian Wright is a talented footballer and great role model.
Meet the team
Whole school newsletters
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Streatham Wells
This term we are learning:
Personal, social & emotional development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Understanding the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Expressive art & design
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Physical development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
In Maths we will finish our unit on multiplication and division. We’ll progress from learning our times table to applying them in formal methods. Please continue practising the 3, 4 and 8 times tables at home. Practicing at home is imperative for children to memorise these which supports their progress at school.
In Maths we will be moving onto our unit on Money and then Time. Time can often be a trickier concept for children to grasp, with so many of our clocks now digital, so focusing on this at home can be very useful. After ‘Time’, we’ll look at shape (turns and angles, lines, 2D and 3D shapes) and measure (mass and capacity).
Our topic for Science this term is Rocks. Our big question is ‘What were James Hutton’s ideas about rocks and what has changed since then?’ To answer this question, children will first compare and group rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties. They will also describe in simple terms how fossils are formed. In addition, children will examine James Hutton’s key discoveries.
Our topic for Science this term is forces and magnets. Our big question is ‘Does the size and shape of a magnet affect how strong it is?’ Children will make systematic, careful observations and take accurate measurements using a range of equipment. They will observe how magnets attract and repel each other and describe them as having two poles. They will apply their understanding to predict whether two magnets will repel or attract.
Our topic for Science this term is plants. Our big question is ‘How does the type of soil affect the growth of plants over time?’ After identifying and describing the functions of different parts of flowering plants, children will explore the requirements for life and growth. The inquiry question should prove an interesting examination of these!
Geography / History
Our History topic this half term is the Stone Age.
The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Should Tutankhamun be the most famous pharaoh?; a relevant and exciting question as King Tut was crowned when he was just 9 years old. We will be examining the social structure of ancient Egypt and analysing the achievements of the New Kingdom Dynasty. We’ll explore the theories of his death and the discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter. Throughout the unit, children will develop their chronological understanding and explore how to use sources to build understanding.
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘What do cities near rivers have in common?’ This unit will build on previous knowledge from our last inquiry question. Children will focus on four cities: London, Cologne, Lisbon and Budapest. We’ll examine the rivers that run through these cities and examine the human and physical features of geography within them. Using aerial maps and photographs, children will investigate the similarities of these cities. On the 22nd of June, year 3 will visit the River Thames for an interesting session with the Thames Explorer Trust. Details about the trip will follow.
In Art, the class will be studying Stone Age cave paintings and using these to design their own prints. We’ll look at the different animals and then explore the different patterns on their fur. These should prove excellent inspiration to create some one-of-a-kind prints!
In Art, the class will be completing a unit of work on sculpture. After exploring the work of early potters during the ancient period, children will design and construct their own sarcophagus. Children will learn how to construct and join slabs to create a 3D unit. Finally, they will apply surface decoration to enhance their design.
In Art, we will be looking at Roman art and watercolours.
In Music, we will be learning an introduction to the instruments, djembe, recorder, glockenspiel & voice, with an emphasis on good technique.
In Music, we will continue learning how to play recorders, focusing on pulse, rhythm, pitch, harmony, and reading music. Lessons are on a Wednesday. Children need to remember to bring in each week for their lessons.
In Music, we will be learning about leading composition working up to a Big Final Number performance for the school!
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In P.E. children will be practicing the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE this term we are studying:
How can we look after our mental health?
How do we show respect to people who are different to us?
In PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) we will be answering the big question ‘Are all prescription drugs good for you?’ We’ll establish and differentiate between drugs and medicine and look at the effects drugs have on human bodies. We’ll also touch on online safety in this unit and learn about how the internet may not always be factual.
In PSHE this term we are studying:
Are some goals more important than others?
How are we similar and different?
In Computing we will be learning how to be Programmers. We’ll be using scratch to create a short animation based on our book Dave’s Cave. Children will program Dave to create a memorable animation. The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Impressive innovators or primitive people; which one best describes early humans?’ After establishing the key ages within the Stone Age, children will explore the progression from flint to bronze, the change from hunter-gatherer to farmer and the changes in settlement to come to their own conclusion about whether the ‘caveman’ stereotype deserves its somewhat derogatory reputation! Using artefacts and key historical vocabulary will be a focus of this unit. In P.E. children will be practising the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In Computing we will be learning about Computing systems and networks focusing on emails. We will learn how to edit an email, add an attachment and how to write an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Nature Lovers. After exploring our award-winning garden, children will explore the computational concepts of ‘Abstraction’, ‘Logical Reasoning’ and ‘Evaluation’. They will make their own abstract design and use BBC micro:bits to display their image. They will code these using algorithms and debug as they go.
In R.E., we will spend this half term learning about Sikhism and answering the big question ‘Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh?’ By learning about the Amrit Ceremony and the 5 K’s of the Khalsa, children will explore Sikhism and how these traditions are meaningful to Sikhs.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Christianity and answering the big question ‘Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation?’’ After retelling some bible stories about Jesus healing people, children will explain the Christian viewpoint and recognise some questions people may have about these miracles. Children will look at the deeper meaning of these stories and what Christians may learn from them.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Hinduism and answering the big question ‘Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?’ Children will learn about the rituals that happen at the River Ganges and explain the significance of these.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
In Maths we will start the year with an in depth unit on place value. After recapping numbers to 100, we will move on to numbers to 1000. By using concrete resources (e.g. counters and base 10) children will develop a deep understanding of these concepts. After comparing, ordering and sequencing numbers to 1000, we will move onto a unit on adding and subtracting. It is important for children to know their number bonds to 10 and 100. Extra practise at home would be very helpful!
In Maths we will finish our unit on multiplication and division. We’ll progress from learning our times table to applying them in formal methods. Please continue practising the 3, 4 and 8 times tables at home. Practicing at home is imperative for children to memorise these which supports their progress at school.
In Maths we will be moving onto our unit on Money and then Time. Time can often be a trickier concept for children to grasp, with so many of our clocks now digital, so focusing on this at home can be very useful. After ‘Time’, we’ll look at shape (turns and angles, lines, 2D and 3D shapes) and measure (mass and capacity).
Our topic for Science this term is Rocks. Our big question is ‘What were James Hutton’s ideas about rocks and what has changed since then?’ To answer this question, children will first compare and group rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties. They will also describe in simple terms how fossils are formed. In addition, children will examine James Hutton’s key discoveries.
Our topic for Science this term is forces and magnets. Our big question is ‘Does the size and shape of a magnet affect how strong it is?’ Children will make systematic, careful observations and take accurate measurements using a range of equipment. They will observe how magnets attract and repel each other and describe them as having two poles. They will apply their understanding to predict whether two magnets will repel or attract.
Our topic for Science this term is plants. Our big question is ‘How does the type of soil affect the growth of plants over time?’ After identifying and describing the functions of different parts of flowering plants, children will explore the requirements for life and growth. The inquiry question should prove an interesting examination of these!
Geography / History
Our History topic this half term is the Stone Age.
The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Should Tutankhamun be the most famous pharaoh?; a relevant and exciting question as King Tut was crowned when he was just 9 years old. We will be examining the social structure of ancient Egypt and analysing the achievements of the New Kingdom Dynasty. We’ll explore the theories of his death and the discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter. Throughout the unit, children will develop their chronological understanding and explore how to use sources to build understanding.
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘What do cities near rivers have in common?’ This unit will build on previous knowledge from our last inquiry question. Children will focus on four cities: London, Cologne, Lisbon and Budapest. We’ll examine the rivers that run through these cities and examine the human and physical features of geography within them. Using aerial maps and photographs, children will investigate the similarities of these cities. On the 22nd of June, year 3 will visit the River Thames for an interesting session with the Thames Explorer Trust. Details about the trip will follow.
In Art, the class will be studying Stone Age cave paintings and using these to design their own prints. We’ll look at the different animals and then explore the different patterns on their fur. These should prove excellent inspiration to create some one-of-a-kind prints!
In Art, the class will be completing a unit of work on sculpture. After exploring the work of early potters during the ancient period, children will design and construct their own sarcophagus. Children will learn how to construct and join slabs to create a 3D unit. Finally, they will apply surface decoration to enhance their design.
In Art, we will be looking at Roman art and watercolours.
In Music, we will be learning an introduction to the instruments, djembe, recorder, glockenspiel & voice, with an emphasis on good technique.
In Music, we will continue learning how to play recorders, focusing on pulse, rhythm, pitch, harmony, and reading music. Lessons are on a Wednesday. Children need to remember to bring in each week for their lessons.
In Music, we will be learning about leading composition working up to a Big Final Number performance for the school!
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In P.E. children will be practicing the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE this term we are studying:
How can we look after our mental health?
How do we show respect to people who are different to us?
In PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) we will be answering the big question ‘Are all prescription drugs good for you?’ We’ll establish and differentiate between drugs and medicine and look at the effects drugs have on human bodies. We’ll also touch on online safety in this unit and learn about how the internet may not always be factual.
In PSHE this term we are studying:
Are some goals more important than others?
How are we similar and different?
In Computing we will be learning how to be Programmers. We’ll be using scratch to create a short animation based on our book Dave’s Cave. Children will program Dave to create a memorable animation. The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Impressive innovators or primitive people; which one best describes early humans?’ After establishing the key ages within the Stone Age, children will explore the progression from flint to bronze, the change from hunter-gatherer to farmer and the changes in settlement to come to their own conclusion about whether the ‘caveman’ stereotype deserves its somewhat derogatory reputation! Using artefacts and key historical vocabulary will be a focus of this unit. In P.E. children will be practising the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In Computing we will be learning about Computing systems and networks focusing on emails. We will learn how to edit an email, add an attachment and how to write an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Nature Lovers. After exploring our award-winning garden, children will explore the computational concepts of ‘Abstraction’, ‘Logical Reasoning’ and ‘Evaluation’. They will make their own abstract design and use BBC micro:bits to display their image. They will code these using algorithms and debug as they go.
In R.E., we will spend this half term learning about Sikhism and answering the big question ‘Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh?’ By learning about the Amrit Ceremony and the 5 K’s of the Khalsa, children will explore Sikhism and how these traditions are meaningful to Sikhs.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Christianity and answering the big question ‘Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation?’’ After retelling some bible stories about Jesus healing people, children will explain the Christian viewpoint and recognise some questions people may have about these miracles. Children will look at the deeper meaning of these stories and what Christians may learn from them.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Hinduism and answering the big question ‘Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?’ Children will learn about the rituals that happen at the River Ganges and explain the significance of these.

Welcome to
Ian Wright Class
In Year 3, we are Ian Wright Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. Ian Wright is a talented footballer and great role model.
Meet the team
Whole school newsletters
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Streatham Wells
This term we are learning:
Personal, social & emotional development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Understanding the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Expressive art & design
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Physical development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
In Maths we will finish our unit on multiplication and division. We’ll progress from learning our times table to applying them in formal methods. Please continue practising the 3, 4 and 8 times tables at home. Practicing at home is imperative for children to memorise these which supports their progress at school.
In Maths we will be moving onto our unit on Money and then Time. Time can often be a trickier concept for children to grasp, with so many of our clocks now digital, so focusing on this at home can be very useful. After ‘Time’, we’ll look at shape (turns and angles, lines, 2D and 3D shapes) and measure (mass and capacity).
Our topic for Science this term is Rocks. Our big question is ‘What were James Hutton’s ideas about rocks and what has changed since then?’ To answer this question, children will first compare and group rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties. They will also describe in simple terms how fossils are formed. In addition, children will examine James Hutton’s key discoveries.
Our topic for Science this term is forces and magnets. Our big question is ‘Does the size and shape of a magnet affect how strong it is?’ Children will make systematic, careful observations and take accurate measurements using a range of equipment. They will observe how magnets attract and repel each other and describe them as having two poles. They will apply their understanding to predict whether two magnets will repel or attract.
Our topic for Science this term is plants. Our big question is ‘How does the type of soil affect the growth of plants over time?’ After identifying and describing the functions of different parts of flowering plants, children will explore the requirements for life and growth. The inquiry question should prove an interesting examination of these!
Geography / History
Our History topic this half term is the Stone Age.
The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Should Tutankhamun be the most famous pharaoh?; a relevant and exciting question as King Tut was crowned when he was just 9 years old. We will be examining the social structure of ancient Egypt and analysing the achievements of the New Kingdom Dynasty. We’ll explore the theories of his death and the discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter. Throughout the unit, children will develop their chronological understanding and explore how to use sources to build understanding.
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘What do cities near rivers have in common?’ This unit will build on previous knowledge from our last inquiry question. Children will focus on four cities: London, Cologne, Lisbon and Budapest. We’ll examine the rivers that run through these cities and examine the human and physical features of geography within them. Using aerial maps and photographs, children will investigate the similarities of these cities. On the 22nd of June, year 3 will visit the River Thames for an interesting session with the Thames Explorer Trust. Details about the trip will follow.
In Art, the class will be studying Stone Age cave paintings and using these to design their own prints. We’ll look at the different animals and then explore the different patterns on their fur. These should prove excellent inspiration to create some one-of-a-kind prints!
In Art, the class will be completing a unit of work on sculpture. After exploring the work of early potters during the ancient period, children will design and construct their own sarcophagus. Children will learn how to construct and join slabs to create a 3D unit. Finally, they will apply surface decoration to enhance their design.
In Art, we will be looking at Roman art and watercolours.
In Music, we will be learning an introduction to the instruments, djembe, recorder, glockenspiel & voice, with an emphasis on good technique.
In Music, we will continue learning how to play recorders, focusing on pulse, rhythm, pitch, harmony, and reading music. Lessons are on a Wednesday. Children need to remember to bring in each week for their lessons.
In Music, we will be learning about leading composition working up to a Big Final Number performance for the school!
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In P.E. children will be practicing the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE this term we are studying:
How can we look after our mental health?
How do we show respect to people who are different to us?
In PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) we will be answering the big question ‘Are all prescription drugs good for you?’ We’ll establish and differentiate between drugs and medicine and look at the effects drugs have on human bodies. We’ll also touch on online safety in this unit and learn about how the internet may not always be factual.
In PSHE this term we are studying:
Are some goals more important than others?
How are we similar and different?
In Computing we will be learning how to be Programmers. We’ll be using scratch to create a short animation based on our book Dave’s Cave. Children will program Dave to create a memorable animation. The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Impressive innovators or primitive people; which one best describes early humans?’ After establishing the key ages within the Stone Age, children will explore the progression from flint to bronze, the change from hunter-gatherer to farmer and the changes in settlement to come to their own conclusion about whether the ‘caveman’ stereotype deserves its somewhat derogatory reputation! Using artefacts and key historical vocabulary will be a focus of this unit. In P.E. children will be practising the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In Computing we will be learning about Computing systems and networks focusing on emails. We will learn how to edit an email, add an attachment and how to write an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Nature Lovers. After exploring our award-winning garden, children will explore the computational concepts of ‘Abstraction’, ‘Logical Reasoning’ and ‘Evaluation’. They will make their own abstract design and use BBC micro:bits to display their image. They will code these using algorithms and debug as they go.
In R.E., we will spend this half term learning about Sikhism and answering the big question ‘Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh?’ By learning about the Amrit Ceremony and the 5 K’s of the Khalsa, children will explore Sikhism and how these traditions are meaningful to Sikhs.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Christianity and answering the big question ‘Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation?’’ After retelling some bible stories about Jesus healing people, children will explain the Christian viewpoint and recognise some questions people may have about these miracles. Children will look at the deeper meaning of these stories and what Christians may learn from them.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Hinduism and answering the big question ‘Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?’ Children will learn about the rituals that happen at the River Ganges and explain the significance of these.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
Over the Autumn term, we will be heading back to the Prehistoric times learning all about the Stone Age.
In Literacy, we will be focusing on three texts: Dave’s Cave by Frann Preston Gannon, Mammoth by Anna Kemp and Lost Species by Jess French. In our English lessons, we’ll be revising our core skills (single clause vs. multi clause sentences, punctuation, handwriting) before moving onto adding description to our writing by using prepositions, adverbs and noun phrases. By writing engaging, purposeful texts (e.g. estate agents selling a new cave, missing posters for a mammoth and a formal letter applying to be a monster hunter) children will be immersed in the topic and write high-level pieces.
In Maths we will start the year with an in depth unit on place value. After recapping numbers to 100, we will move on to numbers to 1000. By using concrete resources (e.g. counters and base 10) children will develop a deep understanding of these concepts. After comparing, ordering and sequencing numbers to 1000, we will move onto a unit on adding and subtracting. It is important for children to know their number bonds to 10 and 100. Extra practise at home would be very helpful!
In Maths we will finish our unit on multiplication and division. We’ll progress from learning our times table to applying them in formal methods. Please continue practising the 3, 4 and 8 times tables at home. Practicing at home is imperative for children to memorise these which supports their progress at school.
In Maths we will be moving onto our unit on Money and then Time. Time can often be a trickier concept for children to grasp, with so many of our clocks now digital, so focusing on this at home can be very useful. After ‘Time’, we’ll look at shape (turns and angles, lines, 2D and 3D shapes) and measure (mass and capacity).
Our topic for Science this term is Rocks. Our big question is ‘What were James Hutton’s ideas about rocks and what has changed since then?’ To answer this question, children will first compare and group rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties. They will also describe in simple terms how fossils are formed. In addition, children will examine James Hutton’s key discoveries.
Our topic for Science this term is forces and magnets. Our big question is ‘Does the size and shape of a magnet affect how strong it is?’ Children will make systematic, careful observations and take accurate measurements using a range of equipment. They will observe how magnets attract and repel each other and describe them as having two poles. They will apply their understanding to predict whether two magnets will repel or attract.
Our topic for Science this term is plants. Our big question is ‘How does the type of soil affect the growth of plants over time?’ After identifying and describing the functions of different parts of flowering plants, children will explore the requirements for life and growth. The inquiry question should prove an interesting examination of these!
Geography / History
Our History topic this half term is the Stone Age.
The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Should Tutankhamun be the most famous pharaoh?; a relevant and exciting question as King Tut was crowned when he was just 9 years old. We will be examining the social structure of ancient Egypt and analysing the achievements of the New Kingdom Dynasty. We’ll explore the theories of his death and the discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter. Throughout the unit, children will develop their chronological understanding and explore how to use sources to build understanding.
The Geography question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘What do cities near rivers have in common?’ This unit will build on previous knowledge from our last inquiry question. Children will focus on four cities: London, Cologne, Lisbon and Budapest. We’ll examine the rivers that run through these cities and examine the human and physical features of geography within them. Using aerial maps and photographs, children will investigate the similarities of these cities. On the 22nd of June, year 3 will visit the River Thames for an interesting session with the Thames Explorer Trust. Details about the trip will follow.
In Art, the class will be studying Stone Age cave paintings and using these to design their own prints. We’ll look at the different animals and then explore the different patterns on their fur. These should prove excellent inspiration to create some one-of-a-kind prints!
In Art, the class will be completing a unit of work on sculpture. After exploring the work of early potters during the ancient period, children will design and construct their own sarcophagus. Children will learn how to construct and join slabs to create a 3D unit. Finally, they will apply surface decoration to enhance their design.
In Art, we will be looking at Roman art and watercolours.
In Music, we will be learning an introduction to the instruments, djembe, recorder, glockenspiel & voice, with an emphasis on good technique.
In Music, we will continue learning how to play recorders, focusing on pulse, rhythm, pitch, harmony, and reading music. Lessons are on a Wednesday. Children need to remember to bring in each week for their lessons.
In Music, we will be learning about leading composition working up to a Big Final Number performance for the school!
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
In P.E. children will be practicing the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In P.E. children will be learning netball, football, hockey and tag rugby.
PSHE / Wellbeing
In PSHE this term we are studying:
How can we look after our mental health?
How do we show respect to people who are different to us?
In PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) we will be answering the big question ‘Are all prescription drugs good for you?’ We’ll establish and differentiate between drugs and medicine and look at the effects drugs have on human bodies. We’ll also touch on online safety in this unit and learn about how the internet may not always be factual.
In PSHE this term we are studying:
Are some goals more important than others?
How are we similar and different?
In Computing we will be learning how to be Programmers. We’ll be using scratch to create a short animation based on our book Dave’s Cave. Children will program Dave to create a memorable animation. The History question we’ll be tackling this term is ‘Impressive innovators or primitive people; which one best describes early humans?’ After establishing the key ages within the Stone Age, children will explore the progression from flint to bronze, the change from hunter-gatherer to farmer and the changes in settlement to come to their own conclusion about whether the ‘caveman’ stereotype deserves its somewhat derogatory reputation! Using artefacts and key historical vocabulary will be a focus of this unit. In P.E. children will be practising the rules and strategies of different games. As always, teamwork and cooperation will be a focus. PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.
In Computing we will be learning about Computing systems and networks focusing on emails. We will learn how to edit an email, add an attachment and how to write an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
In Computing we will be learning how to be Nature Lovers. After exploring our award-winning garden, children will explore the computational concepts of ‘Abstraction’, ‘Logical Reasoning’ and ‘Evaluation’. They will make their own abstract design and use BBC micro:bits to display their image. They will code these using algorithms and debug as they go.
In R.E., we will spend this half term learning about Sikhism and answering the big question ‘Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh?’ By learning about the Amrit Ceremony and the 5 K’s of the Khalsa, children will explore Sikhism and how these traditions are meaningful to Sikhs.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Christianity and answering the big question ‘Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation?’’ After retelling some bible stories about Jesus healing people, children will explain the Christian viewpoint and recognise some questions people may have about these miracles. Children will look at the deeper meaning of these stories and what Christians may learn from them.
In R.E. we will spend this half term learning about Hinduism and answering the big question ‘Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?’ Children will learn about the rituals that happen at the River Ganges and explain the significance of these.

Welcome to
Ian Wright Class
In Year 3, we are Ian Wright Class! At the start of every year, classes vote for who they would like their class to be named after. We vote for role models who demonstrate our values of respect, resilience, happiness, excellence, pioneering and courage. Ian Wright is a talented footballer and great role model.
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